A tough and methodical combat sport requiring strength, skill, strategy, and heart.


  • Traditional Boxing is a striking sport where two opponents throw punches with the goal of sufficiently injuring, or knocking out, their challenger. In fitness Boxing, there is no contact between boxers; instead, the goal of practicing boxing moves and techniques is purely personal, achieving increased mental and physical fitness.

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  • Boxing involves attack and defense with gloved fists. The 4 types of punches used in Boxing are jab, hook, cross, and uppercut. While kicking is not involved, your legs are just as important as your hands in Boxing; having a solid stance and being able to move your feet while staying balanced are critical. Head movements, punches, and footwork are used in various sequences to create combinations, or “combos.” In fitness Boxing, combo’s are practiced on heavy bags or without a target through shadow boxing.

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    • Boxing gloves

    • Hand wraps

    • Shorts

    • Form fitting top

    • Sneakers

    • Head, mouth, groin (men) and chest (women) protection when sparring

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  • Martial Arts is an excellent alternative to or in combination with traditional gym training and yoga. With endless self-defense skills and techniques to be learned, Martial Arts is a true total body workout that never gets boring. The benefits of martial arts reach far beyond the physical, though. Practicing new skills, joining a community, healthy competition, and the complex problem solving that comes with martial arts builds confidence and supports mental and emotional health. The benefits you experience from committing to a martial arts disciple can be applied throughout all areas of life.

    Are you ready to take the next steps and push yourself to a new level of personal performance?

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A mix of fundamental boxing techniques & the latest in full body conditioning. This high-energy, music-fueled circuit workout is aimed at helping you achieve a killer physique & a champion mindset. 50 minutes of boxing, agility, low-impact plyometrics, kettlebell/dumbbell strength. Whether you're training for a fight or fighting off those extra lbs, these classes will get you ready! All levels are welcome.

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Learning the art of boxing on a deeper level through footwork drills, head movement drills, partner drills, bag drills & pad work. This class will break down the fundamentals, technique, & overall knowledge of the sport. This 50 minute class will sharpen your skills, help elevate your knowledge of the sport, while building your muscle endurance and gas tank. You must complete 30 Boxing Conditioning Classes Prior to taking this class.

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Are you ready to see what you’re made of? After taking 30 Conditioning Classes and 30 Skills & Drills Classes you are now eligible to enroll in live-action sparing classes. Whether you’re looking to prepare for competition or level-up your skills, this class was made for you. We care about your Boxing Journey and want to make sure you are more than prepared to start sparing. You must have the following to Participate: mouth piece, head gear, 16 oz boxing gloves (instructor approved).

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Our signature group fitness and martial arts classes are led by award-winning coaches who will push you to achieve new levels of personal growth you’ve never experienced before.